By Terry McEvilly, Senior Rules Official
“In the Spring, a golfer’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of the Rules of Golf, score posting and challenging course conditions.” -- Alfred Tennyson
Yes, the golf-less winter of your discontent is about to end with the opening of the score posting season (March 1) and better weather. But as golfers in the Pacific Northwest know, this time of year doesn’t always guarantee good weather conditions and ideal playing conditions.
Fortunately, there are two Model Local Rules (MLRs) that a Committee can put in place to make your spring rounds more enjoyable and fairer, while also protecting the golf course. Because adverse conditions – snow, spring thaws. heavy rain – are quite prevalent in our area, the Local Rules are a welcome option that allow the players adequate relief while still adhering to the Rules of
Most golfers refer to the options as “winter rules”, not really understanding that there are two Local Rules available for use depending on course conditions. It’s also important to know that it is a player’s responsibility to know if any of the Local Rules are in place, the parts of the general area affected and the size of the relief area.
Clear as mud? Let’s see if we can clean things up a bit.
While both Local Rules are designed for use only in areas cut to fairway height or less in the general area, the Local Rules can, if conditions warrant, be used throughout the general area or restricted to specific parts of the general area of the course. The Committee can choose to use both Local Rules simultaneously, such as when permitting preferred lies in the fairways and cleaning the ball elsewhere in the general area. Please note that some organizations in the area modify the Rule in different ways. For example, the Oregon Golf Association may place limits on the application of the Rule that the Oregon Chapter of the PNWPGA does not. Again, always make sure to know what is in effect before beginning play
The first Local Rule option is MLR E-2, titled “Cleaning Ball”, which pretty much limits a player’s action to what the title says. This Local Rule allows a player’s ball to be lifted, cleaned and replaced without penalty. The player must mark the spot of the ball before lifting it (see Rule 14.1) and the ball must be replaced on its original spot (see Rule 14.2).
The second Local Rule option is MLR E-3, “Preferred Lies”. This Local Rule is generally used when E-2 doesn’t quite give a player enough relief from unpleasant course conditions and allows the player to take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from a specified relief area:
Reference Point: Spot of the original ball.
Size of Relief Area Measured from Reference Point: [Specify size of relief area, such as one club-length, one scorecard length or 6 inches] from the reference point, but with these limits:
Limits on Location of Relief Area: Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and must be in the general area.
It may take a while for the nuances of the two MLRs to fully sink in. The following quiz should help give you a better understanding of the Rules and what can be done.
Questions: True / False
1) While playing a round where MLR E-3 has been implemented, a player never took advantage of the Rule during the round. The player must be penalized for not taking advantage of the Local Rule
2) A player properly takes relief from a cart path while MLR E-3 is in effect. After the player’s dropped ball came to rest, he decided to take advantage of the Local Rule and lifts his ball, cleans it, properly paces it in the relief area and makes a stroke. The player will be penalized for playing from a wrong place.
3) Scores made when either MLR E-2 or E-3 are in effect, cannot be posted for handicap purposes.
4) During a stroke-play competition round, weather conditions greatly deteriorate. The Committee is prohibited from putting MLR E-2 or E-3 into effect for those who have not yet finished their rounds.
5) With MLR E-2 in effect, the player properly marks, lifts and cleans his ball that came to rest in an area cut to fairway height or less in the general area. Before the player replaces his ball, his caddie suggests he substitute a new ball. The player tells the caddie that such a substitution would not be permitted under the Rules. The player is correct and the caddie is wrong.
6) After replacing the original ball referenced in Question 5, a few seconds later, the ball is moved by natural forces about six inches and remains in the general area but in deep rough. The player should replace the ball from where it was moved by natural forces.
7) After a stroke, a player’s ball is embedded in wet sand in a bunker. Even though both MLRs E-2 and E-3 are in effect, the player can’t use either of those two Local Rules to get relief.
8) Neither MLR E-2 or E-3 are in effect and a player is searching for her ball. She finds a ball in the general area that may be hers, but she can’t be sure since the ball has some mud on it. The player can always mark, lift and clean the entire ball in this situation.
1) False. MLR E-3. Nothing in the Local Rule requires a player to take advantage of the Local Rule.
2) False. MLR E-3. If a player proceeds under another Rule that provides relief, this Local Rule may be used after the first relief procedure is complete.
3) False. Scores made while the Local Rules are in effect must be posted unless the Handicap Committee (in consultation with the OGA) determines that course conditions are so poor that score posting should be temporarily suspended.
4) True. Purpose statement for both MLR E-2 and E-3. It is not authorized to implement the Local Rules once play has begun for a stroke-play round. Doing so would allow players who had more holes to play the advantage of using it for a longer period of time. However, the Local Rules may be implemented between the play of two holes once a match has begun, as opponents have an equal benefit.
5) True. Rule 6.3b(1). When replacing a ball on a spot, the player is not allowed to substitute a ball and must use the original ball, with certain exceptions under (Rule 14.2a). None of the exceptions apply to this situation.
6) False. Rule 9.3 and definition of Natural Forces. If natural forces (such as wind or water) cause a player’s ball to move, there is no penalty and the ball must be played from its new spot.
7) True. Both MLR E-2 and E-3 can be used only for a ball that comes to rest in the general area. A Bunker is not part of the General Area.
8) False. Rules 14.1 and 7.3. To identify a ball, only enough cleaning of the ball is allowed to identify the ball. If the player cleaned the ball more than was needed, she will get one penalty stroke.